Hawksworth Cocktail Bar, Vancouver, BC

Ready to Get on the Wagon: Canadian Cocktails

Previous experience has taught us: India is a hot and dry country.

Hot, meaning steamy tropics or blazing desert in many regions. Dry, meaning without liquor.

That is not to say a western traveler cannot buy a beer, if they find their need overwhelming. It is to say that beer will be quite expensive. It is also to say that it may be difficult to find outside large cities. The majority cultures—Hindu and Muslim—frown on alcoholic consumption.

What is our solution to this conundrum?

We drink before we go, and adopt the outlook of the majority cultures while in India.

Where to go in Vancouver, BC for outstanding mixology?

We recommend the cocktail bar at Hawksworth Restaurant in the Hotel Georgia, just across the street from the art museum.

The bartender—turned out in a crisp bow tie and black vest—was fastidious, talented, and quick. It was deeply refreshing to see him crack eggs and rapidly separate egg white to create the lasting froth that is part of so many classic cocktail recipies.

What did we have?


Four Horsemen

  • Marker’s Mark 40 bourbon, Averno Amaro, apricot syrup, and Scrappy’s aromatic bitters


  • Herradura Reposado tequilla, Cinzano, Noilly Prat, Campari, Angustora bitters.


Gallery Steps

  • Early Grey Beefeater gin, Cinzano, Lephroig Quarter Cask, Buddha’s Hand syrup, Scappy’s orange bitters

Lion’s Tail

  • Booker’s bourbon, house pimiento dram, fresh lime, Scrappy’s aromatic bitters.